35 x Stork "Its a Girl" Cupcake Topper

30 x Stork "Its a Girl" Cupcake Topper


  • £3.99
    Unit price per 
VAT included.

  • Stork Pictured "its a Girl" "Pre Cut" ready to use cupcake toppers suitable for cake and cupcake decoration for christenings.
  • Printed on Edible Wafer Paper with edible ink - Approximately 1.5 inch diameter
  • Vacuum Sealed packaging for freshness - best before minimum 3 months from purchase
  • Wafer Paper can only be used on dry toppings (marzipan, chocolate, icing, or butter icing)
  • Nut Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Dairy Free, Kosher, Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans

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